Indonesian to English
ara tropical fig tree
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arafah(Islam) a desert valley near Mecca which has an important role in hajj ceremonies.
arahdirection, course, aim, purpose
arah alirandirection of outflow
arah anginwind direction
arah antenaaerial beam
arah arusdirection of current
arah asal anginwindward
arah baratwestem
arah dan tujuanpurpose and direction
arah gerakandirection of motion
arah getaran-cepatfact-vibration direction
arah istimewaprivileged direction
arah ke bawahdown ward
arah kemudiset of the sail
arah lintang selatansouthern latitude
arah medan putardirection of the rotating field
arah memanjanglengthwise direction

Related Word(s)

fig, figs, sycamore


rebusan buah ara Turki
stewed turn-of-the-century
Saya menemukan referensi lainnya. Avi [Ara] Chekmayan,
I found other reference. Avi [Ara] Chekmayan,
dengan ara dan semua lainnya.
with figs and everything else.
Ada ara dan semua lainnya untuk diambil.
There's figs and everything else there for the taking.
adalah bahwa dari ara dan zaitun,
is that on the figs and the olives,
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