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ares arrest
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arestasidetention, capture


adalah robot pesawat bertenaga roket yang kami beri nama ARES.
was a robotic rocket-powered airplane we call ARES.
Inilah model dari ARES.
There's a model of ARES here.
Inilah penampakan dari ARES
This is what ARES looks like
Lebar sayap ARES 21 kaki, panjangnya 17 kaki.
ARES is 21-foot wingspan, 17 feet long.
Karena kami telah menguji model ARES,
Because we have tested ARES model,
adalah, kami menguji ARES di atmosfer Bumi,
is, we test ARES in the Earth's atmosphere,
Inilah tim ARES.
This is the ARES team;
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