Indonesian to English
as axle, axis, ace
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  1. aksis
  2. gandar
  3. pasak
  4. pivot
  5. poros
  6. sumbu
as gardandrive shaft
as.(alaihissalam) Peace be with him (uttered after mention of minor prophet).
as/poros penggerakcountershaft
asa yang berlawananparadoxical
asabatnerve, sinew, muscle
asadaBuddhist holiday commemorating Siddharta's first sermon after being enlightened.
asahgrind down
asah,asih,asuh(Java) a teacher's slogan : teach, love, care for.
asahanshavings, dust
asaimouldered, mildewed
asakmove, budge, cram, jam
asalorigin, source, beginning
asal elektrostatikelectrostatic origin
asal mulagerminal
asal mula/tempat asalprovenance
asal usulderivation
asal-usulfamily tree

Related Word(s)

ace, aces, american, americans, barrel, dc, dollar, earlier, greenback, had, has, iraq, its, million, official, rate, ronald, s, said, tuesday, u, united, us, usa, yard, yokosuka


dan terutama memotong subsidi di AS dan Eropa,
and especially cut subsidies in the U.S. and Europe,
Lembaga Rahasia AS,
The U.S. Secret Service,
dan rekening bank tersebut terdapat 14,9 juta dolar AS
and that bank account had 14.9 million U.S. dollars on it
Sayangnya, kami tidak lagi membangun peralatan produksi ini di AS
We don't build this production equipment any longer in the U.S., unfortunately.
asalkan mobil itu berasal dari negara yang menentang kebijakan luar negeri AS,
so long as it comes from a country hostile to U.S. foreign policy --
Begini: bantuan AS, membantu orang bukanlah hal yang mudah.
Look: U.S. aid, helping people is not easy,
Dan ada buku yang mengkritik bantuan AS.
and there have been books that have criticized U.S. aid.
pembangkit listrik AS,
a U.S. power plant,
saya berhasil mengumpulkan 50.000 dolar AS.
I was able to collect 50,000 U.S. dollars.
Sementara rata-rata warga AS mengeluarkan sekitar 17,5 metrik ton.
The average US citizen emits about 17.5 metric tons.
berkumpul di New Hampshire, AS,
gathered in New Hampshire, USA,
oleh AS, Eropa atau Bank Dunia.
by the U.S., Europe or the World Bank.
mengenai ekonomi AS,
about the U.S. economy,
senilai tiga dolar AS,
worth three U.S. dollars,
semua di AS.
all in the U.S.
Dan pada 1915, AS adalah tetangga India --
And down in 1915, the United States was a neighbor of India --
Namun kita harus membawa AS maju lebih sedikit
But we have to bring United States forward quite a while
untuk menemukan tingkan kesehatan yang sama dari AS
to find the same health of the United States
dia adalah seorang perwira Angkatan Udara AS.
and he was a U.S. Air Force officer.
terutama dinas rahasia AS,
mostly U.S. intelligence agencies,
dari dinas-dinas rahasia AS,
from the U.S. intelligence agencies,
yang dijalankan dinas rahasia AS saat ini
U.S. intelligence agencies are running right now,
karena dinas rahasia AS hanya berhak
because the U.S. intelligence only has a legal right
dijalankan oleh dinas rahasia AS.
run by U.S. intelligence agencies.
kalau dinas rahasia AS melakukan hal-hal ekstrim
that U.S. intelligence agencies go to extremes
bagaimana dinas rahasia AS
about how U.S. intelligence agencies
oleh pemerintah AS,
by the U.S. government,
memiliki hukum yang mirip dengan AS.
has a little bit of a similar law to the United States.
yang setiap hari menggunakan layanan yang berbasis di AS,
use, every day, U.S.-based services,
Anda berpotensi membocorkan informasi tersebut ke dinas rahasia AS.
you've been potentially leaking all that to U.S. intelligence.
dan itu juga bukan urusan pemerintah AS juga.
and it should be none of your government's business either.
bagi industri cloud AS dan perusahaan-perusahaan peranti lunak dengan pengakuannya --
for the U.S. cloud industry and software companies with these revelations --
dan menyalahkannya telah menimbulkan masalah bagi industri cloud AS
and blaming Snowden for causing problems for the U.S. cloud industry
sistem operasi dan cloud yang dibuat di AS.
for the U.S.-made operating systems and cloud services.
Separuh makanan yang dihasilkan di AS saat ini dibuang.
Half the food produced in the USA is currently thrown away.
di semua jaringan pemerintahan AS
on all U.S. government networks,
Di AS, 80% dari anak perempuan usia belasan tahun
In the U.S., we have 80 percent of 10-year-old girls
AS telah melindungi 340 ribu mil persegi dari lautan sebagai monumen nasional.
the U.S. protected 340,000 square miles of ocean as national monuments.
Dan riset ini dibiayai oleh pemerintah AS,
And this research is being precipitated by the U.S. government,
biasanya sebesar 48 negara bagian AS (kecuali Alaska dan Hawaii)
has been the size of the lower 48 states,
basis persediaan AS yang utama
the main U.S. supply base
Itu memperlihatkan seorang tentara AS terbahak
It shows a U.S. soldier laughing
sehingga bisa berbagi bersamaan dengan perbincangan ini. AS: bagus sekali.
that we could share along with the talk.AS: Wonderful.
Terima kasih banyak. AS: terima kasih. Terima kasih. Terima kasih Chris.
Thank you so much.AS: Well, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Chris.
AS: Apa yang terjadi dalam adegan ini, dan sama seperti di bukunya
AS: What this scene is doing, and it did in the book,
AS: Bercerita tanpa dialog.
AS: Storytelling without dialogue.
AS: Jadi bagaimana Anda membuat karakter yang egois menjadi mudah disukai?
AS: So how do you make a selfish character likable?
AS: Itulah temanya: Siapa kau?
AS: That was the theme: Who are you?
AS: Saya keluar dari sana
AS: I walked out of there
AS: Dan itulah pelajaran pertama tentang cerita yang saya pelajari.
AS: And that's the first story lesson I ever learned.
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