Indonesian to English
asa hope
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  1. acan
  2. angan-angan
  3. asan
  4. cita-cita
  5. harapan
  6. hasrat
  7. kehendak
  8. keinginan
  9. kerinduan
  10. maksud
  11. duga
  12. kira
  13. sangka
  14. sahaja
  15. sengaja
asa yang berlawananparadoxical
asabatnerve, sinew, muscle
asadaBuddhist holiday commemorating Siddharta's first sermon after being enlightened.
asahgrind down
asah,asih,asuh(Java) a teacher's slogan : teach, love, care for.
asahanshavings, dust
asaimouldered, mildewed
asakmove, budge, cram, jam
asalorigin, source, beginning
asal elektrostatikelectrostatic origin
asal mulagerminal
asal mula/tempat asalprovenance
asal usulderivation
asal-usulfamily tree
Asalamu'alaikumAnd peace be with you
asalioriginal, primary, ancient, wellborn
asaliahsee ASALI.
asalkanprovided that

Related Word(s)

confounded, despair, despaired, despairing, despairs, desperate, despondent, discouraged, disheartened, down, dream, dumbfounded, fruit, frustration, given, hope, hopeless, horror, overwhelmed, ploy, speechless, spirit, themselves


dan para penyelamat putus asa,
and the rescuers despaired,
Mereka putus-asa akan sukarelawan
They were desperate for volunteers
Jadi karena putus asa,
So kind of out of desperation,
biasanya ada kisah tentang orang tua yang putus asa
there is usually a story of parents who are desperate
Jadi berputus asa bukanlah langkah yang benar,
So to say it is hopeless is not the right thing to do,
Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat putus asa
This shows that society is desperate
Semuanya menjadi putus asa
And everybody was becoming very discouraged
Jadi saat saya merasa putus asa akan keadaan sanitasi ini,
So when I get despondent about the state of sanitation,
Perasaan tersebut menolong saat beliau diliputi rasa sedih dan putus asa.
It helps him when he is overwhelmed with grief and despair.
terlihat putus asa dan tanpa harapan, layaknya seorang alkoholik.
desperately and hopelessly, the way an alcoholic would.
tapi tidak dengan putus asa.
but not despair.
putus asa, tapi itu tidak benar.
desperate, but that's not really how it is.
sekejap pun, apalagi putus asa.
for even a single moment, let alone despaired.
Karena putus asa berarti pemenuhan diri.
Because despair is self-fulfilling.
Dan saya merasa putus asa.
And I was distraught.
Kami putus asa.
We were despondent.
dan huruf-huruf yang menunjukan sedikit putus asa
and the letters are less hopeless
Jadi, Anda tahu, orang yang putus asa di selokan bisa menggunakan ini.
So, you know, people who are in desperate straits can get this.
Anda dapat membayangkan, para musisi itu putus asa,
You can imagine, the musicians were disconsolate.
putus asa, dan mereka berpikir
despair, and they think
Saran saya sekarang: Jangan putus asa.
I'm going tell you right now: please don't despair.
dan benar-benar putus asa.
and was in total despair.
Saya sebenarnya tidak berkata dengan putus asa,
I actually don't say this in despair.
dia menggelengkan kepala dengan penuh putus asa
and she shook her head in despair
Bagaimana mungkin aku tak putus asa,
How do you not despair
akan rasa putus asa dan sengsara karena semua itu?
by the despair and the misery of it all?
Akankah -- sebuah pertanyaan yang membuat putus asa,
Could it be -- a devastating question,
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