asas | basis, principle, foundation, base |
asas | |||
asas aksi den reaksi | law of action and reaction |
asas aksi terkecil | least action principle |
asas aras-cair | liquid-level principle |
asas archimedes | archimedes principle |
asas avogadro | avogadro's principle |
asas babinet | babinet principle |
asas curie | curie principle |
asas d'alembert | d'alembert principle |
asas dualitas | duality principle |
asas entropi maksimum | entropy-maximum principle |
asas fermat | fermat principle |
asas franck-condon | franck-condon principle |
asas gabung | combination principle |
asas gabung ritz | ritz combination principle |
asas ganti rugi | indemnity principle |
asas gutin | gutin's principle |
asas hamilton | hamilton principle |
asas hamilton terubah | modified hamilton's principle |
asas hukum | principle of justice |
asas huygens | huygen's principle |
bases, basis, effectiveness, principle, principles, such |
antiquaries dalam prasasti prasasti menyalin antiquaries in copying inscriptions
asas pengecualian dengan demikian menyediakan the exclusion principle thus providing
asas pengelolaan sumber daya air principle of water resources management
asas saling menolong gotong royong mutual assistance gotong royong
asas yang menyatakan bahwa perorangan principle whereby individuals
atas hak asasi pribadi golongan of individual rights group rights
atau memecahkan prasasti prasasti yang or of deciphering inscriptions
atau satu fasih dalam prasasti or one versed in epigraphy
awal zaman prasasti alat alat an early epoch inscriptions implements
bagi hak asasi manusia memperkirakan for human rights estimated
bahasa diketahui dari prasasti dan languages known from inscriptions and
bahasa seperti sebuah prasasti dwibahasa languages as a bilingual inscription
banyak pelanggaran hak asasi manusia numerous human rights abuses
benar benar merasaseperti masih berdiri really feellike standing still
berkaitan dengan hak asasi manusia concerned with human rights