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astronomi astronomy.
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  1. ilmu falak
  2. ilmu perbintangan
astronomisastronomical, celestial.
the branch of physics that studies celestial bodies and the universe as a whole
cabang fisika yang mempelajari benda-benda angkasa dan alam semesta secara keseluruhan
source: WordNet 3.0

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astronomer, astronomers, astronomical, astronomy


bidang ilmu radio astronomi.
is the science of radio astronomy.
era radio astronomi.
the radio astronomy age.
Kemajuan yang terjadi dalam bidang astronomi,
The advances that have taken place in astronomy,
10 tahun yang lalu, Anda tidak dapat mencari ahli astronomi --
Ten years ago, you couldn't have found an astronomer --
sangat sedikit ahli astronomi -- di dunia yang akan memberi tahu Anda bahwa
well, very few astronomers -- in the world who would've told you that
Namun hal yang mengkhawatirkan adalah ahli astronomi belakangan telah mempelajari
But the alarming thing is that astronomers recently have been studying
Anda masuk ke pertemuan astronomi dan berkata,
you walk into an astronomy convention, and you say,
Ahli astronomi memprediksi bahwa asteroid kecil seperti itu datang setiap 100 tahun,
Astronomers estimate that little asteroids like that come about every hundred years.
ahli astronomi amatir? Itu karena tidak ada yang mencarinya, kecuali para amatir.
amateur astronomers? That's because nobody's looking for them, except amateurs.
astronomi menurut silsilah bintang-bintang.
of astronomy according to a genealogy of stars.
Sebuah buku astronomi,
It was an astronomy book,
dan saya ingatkan kepada mereka yang awam dalam astronomi
and I remind the non-astronomy majors among you
sudah tentu termasuk biologi, astronomi,
obviously biology, obviously astronomy,
masa depan dunia astronomi di abad ke-21
the future of astronomy for the 21st century.
"Dekat" dalam istilah astronomi, sangat relatif.
"Nearby" is astronomical, it's all relative.
dua kelompok fisikawan dan ahli astronomi
two groups of physicists and astronomers
dari perangkat lunak, astronomi,
from software, astronomy,
Astronomi contohnya,
Take astronomy as an example,
Jadi dlm bidang astronomi, ada ledakan besar tersebut
So here in astronomy, you have this vast explosion
dunia akan memperingati Tahun International Astronomi,
the world is going to celebrate the International Year of Astronomy,
Ini akan mengubah cara kita melakukan astronomi,
It's going to change the way we do astronomy,
ini akan mengubah cara kita mengajarkan astronomi,
it's going to change the way we teach astronomy
mengapa saya dan rekan saya di astronomi dan pendidikan
why my colleagues and I, in astronomy and in education,
Sisanya adalah ahli astronomi, dan saya salah satunya.
The odd one out is an astronomer, and I am one of that strange breed.
Dan apa yang kami coba lakukan dalam ilmu astronomi dan kosmologi
And what we try to do in astronomy and cosmology
itu adalah fenomena astronomi yang disebabkan oleh kemiringan sumbu Bumi
they are astronomical phenomena caused by the Earth's tilt,
Tapi saya mau melihat, bukan ke dalam dunia astronomi,
But I wanted to look not at the astronomical universe,
yang membaca buku-buku astronomi
who read all those astronomical books
menggunakan penanda astronomi.
using celestial cues.
Dalam skala astronomi
On an astronomical scale
yang ingin melihat sumber-sumber astronomi menembus atmosfir.
who want to look through the atmosphere to astronomical sources.
untuk melihat sumber astronomi karena
to see astronomical sources, because of the
karena, ingat, dalam astronomi, makin besar makin bagus.
because, remember, bigger is better in astronomy.
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