astronot | astronaut |
astronot | |||
astronotik | see ASTRONAUTIKA. |
11astronouts, astronaut, astronauts |
Contohdiambil oleh astronot-astronot Apollo VIII pada tahun 1968. taken by the Apollo 8 astronauts in 1968.
dengan para astronot -- to astronauts --
Jika seorang astronot pergi ke Bulan, seperempat juta mil jauhnya, If an astronaut went up to the Moon, a quarter of a million miles away,
saat yang sama ketika para astronot menapakkan jejak kaki mereka di bulan. at the same time that astronauts were putting their footprints on the moon.
Para astronot dan akuanot sama-sama Astronauts and aquanauts alike
di mana para astronot meninggalkan jejak kaki mereka. on which the astronauts left their footprints.
oleh para astronot jaman purbakala by the ancient astronauts
Namun demikian, para astronot purbakala yang menggunakannya After all, the ancient astronauts who used it
pengaruh para astronot purbakala influence by the ancient astronauts
hutan hujan, astronot, suku yang tidak tersentuh, simpanse, boneka voodoo, and rainforests, astronauts and uncontacted tribes and chimpanzees, voodoo dolls,
Setiap astronot harus membawa The astronauts each got to carry
inilah cara NASA melatih astronot-astronot mereka sejak lama. how NASA's trained their astronauts for so long.
Saya ingin menjadi astronot I wanted to be an astronaut,