Indonesian to English
at acronym for "Asia Tenggara, " Southeast Asia
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atakk.o. three-wheeled vehicle similar to the bemo.
atal(Atase Angkatan Laut) naval attache.
atap awningawning
atap gentengtiled-roof
atap genteng picakplain tile
atap geserflush fitting sliding roof
atap jeramithatched roof
atap kacaglass roof
atap kemahpavilion roof
atap kubahdome shaped roof
atap lengkungarched roof
atap peronplatform roof
atap rabitzrabitz roof
atap serambilean to
atap terowongtunnel-ceiling
atap tunggalsingle roof
atap yang dipatahkancurbroof
atap yang melengkungapse
atap-geser mobilsun-shine roof

Related Word(s)

business, twain, upon


Setiap Jum'at pagi, saya berada di toko suvenir.
Every Friday morning I was at the gift shop.
satu hari segera setelah itu -- waktu itu hari Jum'at -- di akhir hari,
One day soon after that -- it was a Friday -- at the end of the day,
'Ebert and Roeper at the Movies.'
'Ebert and Roeper at the Movies.'
Dan tentu saja, di suatu tem[at di alam semesta
And surely, somewhere in the universe
datang melalui data AT&T dan menunjukkan dirinya.
coming through AT&T's data and revealing itself.
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