Indonesian to English
atur arrange
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  1. antre
    (berbanjar, berbaris, berderet, berurut)
  2. berbanjar
  3. berbaris
  4. berderet
  5. berduyun-duyun
  6. berjajar
  7. berjejer
  8. bersusun
  9. berurut
  10. rapi
  11. teratur
  12. tertata
  13. tertib
aturanarragement, regulation, rule, direction, instructions, manner
aturan cabut sumbat botolcorkscrew rule
aturan hukuman, peraturan pidanapenal provision
aturan keanggotaanrule of membership
aturan kecepatanspeed-regulation
aturan masukadmission rule
aturan mathiessenmathiessen law
aturan pakaidirections for use
aturan pemmainanrule of the game
aturan penyalaanignition-control
aturan perilakubehavioural rule
aturan perlindungansafe harbor rule
aturan permainanrule of game
aturan perubahana mending regulation
aturan seperti inirule of this kind
aturan umumoverall order
aturan waktu lampu kenderaanlighting up time
aturan-aturan aplikasiapplication rules
aturannyaaccording to the regulations

Related Word(s)

adjusts, arrange, configure, conspired, contrive, contrived, decide, devise, directed, plan, regulate, regulated, set, structured


Saya atur tipenya, kemudian saya cetak dengan printer Epson
I set up the type, I printed it out on an Epson printer
Atur, atur, atur.
Regulate, regulate, regulate.
Karena tanpa karyawan, tak ada orang yang harus saa atur.
Because with no employees, there was nobody for me to manage.
Anda bisa pekerjakan mereka sebagai pegawai, anda bisa atur kerjaan mereka
You can hire those people as employees, you can coordinate their work
saya atur secara hirarki, membaginya dalam kurun waktu
put them in a hierarchy, divided them into chunks of time
Tapi dunia media tidak bisa diatur-atur
But media abundance never works that way.
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