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  1. artikel
    (esai, karangan, kolom, makalah, risalah, tulisan, pasal, ayat, bab, butir, perkara, poin)
  2. bagian
  3. butir
  4. poin
  5. baris
  6. larik
  7. kalimat
  8. perkataan
ayat jurnal balikreversing journal entry
ayat jurnal dikoreksiconversion journal entry
ayat jurnal gabungancompound-journal entry
ayat jurnal pembalikreversing entries
ayat jurnal penutupclosing-journal entry
ayat jurnal penyesuaianadjusted entries
ayat jurnal perbaikancorrection entry
ayat silang kas bankcash-bank transfer
ayat-ayat jurnaljournal entry

Related Word(s)

accord, adulterer, against, all, and, another, apostle, are, arrogantly, article, be, before, beholdest, believe, believing, bounty, certainly, chapter, claim, clause, clauses, comes, cometh, commands, communication, communications, context, crime, declare


bahwa tiap ayat pada Taurat adalah penjelasan, pemaparan tentang "Etika Timbal Balik".
that every single verse of the Torah is a commentary, a gloss upon the Golden Rule."
Atau Anda dapat membisikkan ayat-ayat Alkitab pada teroris.
Or you can whisper in the ear of a supposed terrorist some Biblical verse.
ayat per ayat
surat pembuka yang terdiri dari tujuh ayat
the seven-verse opening chapter
Atau ambil contoh ayat terkenal
Or take the infamous verse
"Beberapa ayat ini memiliki makna yang pasti,
"Some of these verses are definite in meaning," it says,
dan ayat lainnya bermakna ambigu.
"and others are ambiguous."
Kejadian: Bab 1. Ayat 29,
Genesis: Chapter one, Verse [29],
dan dalam ayat lainnya tentang tumbuhan hijau,
and on one more stanza about green plants,
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