Indonesian to English
bangsa yahudi the jews
bangsa yahudi
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bangsanation, family, class
YahudiJew, Jewish


bangsa Yahudi.
of the Jewish people.
tentang kembalinya bangsa Yahudi dan mengenai titah Koresh
about the return of the Jews and the decree of Cyrus
tanah national bangsa Yahudi,
a Jewish national home,
bangsa yahudi lalu dimintanya keterangan
people and anxiously asked
bangsa yahudi sebagai mereka perjanjian
the jews as their covenant
dan tua tua bangsa yahudi
and elders of the people
kepada bangsa yahudi sebagai mereka
to the jews as their
mengungkapkan kepada bangsa yahudi sebagai
revealed to the jews as
orang orang terkemuka bangsa yahudi
the leading local jews
para tua tua bangsa yahudi
of the elders of the
terkemuka bangsa yahudi dan setelah
leading local jews and when
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