Indonesian to English
banjir flood, deluge
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  1. air besar
  2. air naik
  3. air pasang
  4. ampuh
  5. bah
  6. empoh
  7. genangan
  8. kayau
  9. lembak
  10. luapan
  11. sebak
  12. melimpah
  13. meluap
  14. tumpah ruah
banjir besardeluge

Related Word(s)

added, deluge, disaster, drowning, effort, event, faced, flood, flooded, flooding, floods, hay, inundation, meantime, pengadegan, problem, rain, torrent, verse, waters, well


Jadi orang di Bangladesh yang akan terkena banjir pada 2010 bisa menunggu hingga 2016.
So the guy in Bangladesh who gets a flood in 2100 can wait until 2106.
Trotoarnya adalah kerikil, ketika hujan akan banjir,
The sidewalks are gravel. They flood when it rains,
dan setelahnya, terjadi banjir
and after that, you have floods
tidak ada lagi banjir, kebakaran.
no more flooding, no more fires.
dan juga tahan banjir / genangan.
also flood-resistant, by the way --
atau banjir pada tahun ini.
or this year's floods.
lalu banjir bandang,
and then flash flooding,
Tiba-tiba banjir bandang terjadi
There was an unprecedented flooding in the country,
perpustakaan kami terkena banjir.
now our library got flooded.
banjir, tornado --
floods, tornadoes, etc. --
banjir di Afrika utara
flooding in the north of Africa
baik pencegahan banjir maupun pengendalian kekeringan dari hutan,
whether it's flood prevention or drought control provided by the forests,
Setahun berikutnya, Sungai Yangtze banjir
Just a year later the Yangtze flooded,
disana - kamu dapat melihat film mengenai banjir,
there's, you can see a movie of the flood,
yang akan menyemburkan air selama adegan banjir itu
that will sprinkle on you during the flood scenes.
tapi ketika hari hujan dan jalanan di luar banjir,
but when it's raining and the driveway outside turns into a river,
beserta Sungai dan dataran banjir Amazon
and the Amazon River and floodplain
banjir di Pakistan, kami mengirim tim-tim yang terlatih ke perbatasan Burma-Thailand.
the floods in Pakistan, we sent training teams to the Thai-Burma border.
Sebagian di antaranya mengalir sebagai banjir,
Some of it ran off as flooding,
jika kita berada di tengah banjir
if we were in the middle of a flood zone
dan desa Anda dilanda kekeringan, atau banjir,
and you were in a drought, or you were in floods,
banjir, perang, konflik,
floods, war, conflict,
Bukan karena banjir, gunung itu terangkat.
It's not a flood, it was pushed up there.
di Mumbai, di mana terjadi banjir beberapa tahun yang lalu,
in Mumbai -- where there was a flood a few years ago
menjadi peralatan selama banjir di India timur,
as a vending device during the floods in eastern India,
Kami harus berurusan dengan banjir, hujan tropis pada periode ini
We fight floods, tropical rains at this time of the year.
yang sangat toleran terhadap banjir, kekeringan,
that are highly tolerant of drought, of flood,
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