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bank dunia world bank
bank dunia
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Larry Summers, ketika dia menjadi kepala ekonom di Bank Dunia,
Larry Summers, when he was chief economist at the World Bank,
Menurut Bank Dunia, Burkina Faso
According to the World Bank, Burkina Faso
Ada Bank Dunia, pedagang senjata, dan PBB.
There's a World Bank, arms dealers and a United Nations.
Presiden Bank Dunia pernah dipegang oleh murid kelas tiga.
The World Bank president was a third-grader one time.
sama dengan data yang dimiliki Bank Dunia --
it's the same as the World Bank has --
seperti Amerika Serikat, Google, Bank Dunia --
like the United States, like Google, like the World Bank --
Institusi Bretton Woods, atau yang disebut dengan Bank Dunia,
the Bretton Woods institutions, as they're called, The World Bank,
dan menurut Bank Dunia
and according to the World Bank,
Belakangan, saya bergabung dengan Bank Dunia, yang berusaha untuk melawan
Later, I joined the World Bank, which sought to fight
termasuk Bank Dunia.
including the World Bank.
oleh AS, Eropa atau Bank Dunia.
by the U.S., Europe or the World Bank.
Baru-baru ini, Bank Dunia membuka bank datanya
Recently, the World Bank opened its vault of data
Dengan cara ini, Bank Dunia kini telah melakukan GeoMapping pada
In this manner, the World Bank has now GeoMapped
bahwa di Bank Dunia, kami merangkul
that at the World Bank, we are embracing
bank dunia kita.
our world bank.
pemerintah Selandia Baru, Bank Dunia.
the government of New Zealand, the World Bank.
Bank Dunia melihat hal ini
And the World Bank sees this
Dan Bank Dunia telah mengakuinya
And the World Bank has acknowledged this
Saya memberi ceramah belum lama ini di Bank Dunia
I gave a talk not so long ago at the World Bank
dan saya mengatakan, "Inilah Bank Dunia!"
and I said, "There it is! The World Bank!"
di kantor Bank Dunia di Nairobi
of the World Bank office in Nairobi
kerja Bank Dunia,
the work of the World Bank,
saya mendapat surat peringatan dari Bank Dunia,
I received a memorandum from the World Bank,
Ini dilarang menurut piagam Bank Dunia,
This is forbidden by the charter of the World Bank,
Lalu mengapa Bank Dunia
Now, why did the World Bank
setelah saya mundur dari Bank Dunia.
after I left, under a big fight, the World Bank.
Alasannya adalah anggota Bank Dunia
The reason was that the members of the World Bank
Bank Dunia telah berubah dari Saulus menjadi Paulus, di bawah Wolfensohn,
The World Bank has turned from Saulus to Paulus; under Wolfensohn,
Menurut perkiraan Bank Dunia,
According to World Bank estimate,
Selama bekerja dengan Bank Dunia
What we have found working with the World Bank
Bank Dunia memperkirakan
Well, the World Bank estimates
Dan sebagaimana yang baru-baru ini dicatat oleh Bank Dunia,
And as the World Bank recently noted,
dan Bank Dunia, kemudian IMF dan Bank Dunia lah yang
and the World Bank, and then it is the IMF and the World Bank
IMF, Bank Dunia, dan kartel orang-oran baik di dunia
The IMF, the World Bank, and the cartel of good intentions in the world
terbuat dari laporan Bank Dunia yang didaur ulang.
are made out of recycled World Bank reports.
Jangan dengarkan Bank Dunia, dengarkanlah orang-orang di lapangan.
Don't listen to the World Bank, listen to the people on the ground.
menurut data terakhir dari Bank Dunia.
according to the latest World Bank data.
Kebalikan dari Bank Dunia,
Quite the opposite of the World Bank,
Tapi orang-orang yang melakukan hal tersebut di bank dunia
But the people doing that at the World Bank
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