barat laut | north-west |
barat laut | |||
northwest, northwesterly, northwestern |
Contohdari perang CIA di Barat Laut Pakistan? of the CIA's war in Northwest Pakistan?
di Barat Laut Pakistan, in Northwest Pakistan,
Mediterania barat laut. northwestern Mediterranean.
bagian barat laut Mediterranean Sea.
teluk Meksiko barat laut. northwestern Gulf of Mexico;
saat mencoba menemukan Lorong Barat Laut. trying to find the Northwest Passage.
Lorong Barat Laut itu ada di sana. Well, the Northwest Passage is already there.
India Barat Laut Northwestern India
yang datang dari daerah barat laut, was coming from the northwest,
Berdatangan, dan tiba di kota bagian barat laut, So it was coming in, and arriving at the city at the northwest,
dari Barat Laut pantai Africa untuk dokumentari "Blue Planet", off the northwest coast of Africa for "Blue Planet,"
Namun kenyataannya, kita yang tinggal di bagian barat laut (Amerika) ini But in fact, here in the northwest,
di Monumen Nasional Kepulauan Hawaii Barat Laut in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands National Monument
di bagian barat laut Inggris, in northwestern England,