bejana | |||
bejana baterei | battery jar |
bejana bocoran | oil dish |
bejana kalorimeter | calorimeter vessel |
bejana kocok | keeve |
bejana minyak | oil-drum |
bejana reaksi | reaction vessel |
bejana reaktor | reactor vessel |
bejana udara | air container |
container, cup, found, laver, measure, measured, passed, said, thankful, thanks, vessel, vessels |
ContohTaruh di dalam sebuah bejana Put it into a container
Anda letakkan benda ini kedalam bejana seukuran 15 liter, sekitar 3 galon, You put it into a 15-liter vessel, about three gallons,
Saya punya sebuah bejana kaca yang kosong. And what I have here is an empty glass vessel.
bergerak di sepanjang bejana kaca dari atas ke bawah, traveled through the glass vessel from top to bottom,
Anak-anak bukanlah bejana kosong. So, children are not empty vessels, OK?
bahwa anak-anak bukanlah bejana kosong. but this is -- children are not empty vessels.
Jadi kita bukanlah bejana kosong, model mental yang kita miliki So we're not empty vessels; the mental models that we have
Saya merasa seperti bejana bagi masa depan umat manusia. I felt like I was a vessel of the future of humanity.
Dalam reaktor nuklir ada satu bejana besar In a nuclear power plant, you have
pada dasarnya ada sebuah bejana di bawah reaktor basically a tank underneath the reactor
termasuk radiasi yang sangat kuat dan lama untuk meretakkan bejana Pyrex including hard radiation strong enough and maintained long enough to crack the Pyrex vessels