Indonesian to English
bejana container, vase
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  1. bajan
  2. bak
  3. baskom
  4. drum
  5. ember
  6. gentong
  7. jambang
  8. pasu
  9. pispot
  10. pot
  11. tabung
  12. tempayan
  13. tong
bejana batereibattery jar
bejana bocoranoil dish
bejana kalorimetercalorimeter vessel
bejana kocokkeeve
bejana minyakoil-drum
bejana reaksireaction vessel
bejana reaktorreactor vessel
bejana udaraair container

Related Word(s)

container, cup, found, laver, measure, measured, passed, said, thankful, thanks, vessel, vessels


Taruh di dalam sebuah bejana
Put it into a container
Anda letakkan benda ini kedalam bejana seukuran 15 liter, sekitar 3 galon,
You put it into a 15-liter vessel, about three gallons,
Saya punya sebuah bejana kaca yang kosong.
And what I have here is an empty glass vessel.
bergerak di sepanjang bejana kaca dari atas ke bawah,
traveled through the glass vessel from top to bottom,
Anak-anak bukanlah bejana kosong.
So, children are not empty vessels, OK?
bahwa anak-anak bukanlah bejana kosong.
but this is -- children are not empty vessels.
Jadi kita bukanlah bejana kosong, model mental yang kita miliki
So we're not empty vessels; the mental models that we have
Saya merasa seperti bejana bagi masa depan umat manusia.
I felt like I was a vessel of the future of humanity.
Dalam reaktor nuklir ada satu bejana besar
In a nuclear power plant, you have
pada dasarnya ada sebuah bejana di bawah reaktor
basically a tank underneath the reactor
termasuk radiasi yang sangat kuat dan lama untuk meretakkan bejana Pyrex
including hard radiation strong enough and maintained long enough to crack the Pyrex vessels
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