belum lagi | not to mention |
belum lagi | |||
moreover, yet |
Contohyang setangnya besar dan kaku, belum lagi beratnya. which sort of had big handlebars like that, and they were too heavy.
belum lagi makanan yang lebih baik, not to mention much better food,
belum lagi fakta bahwa bahan bakarnya terbakar habis. not to mention the fact that these burn up.
Belum lagi operasi pemberian makanan hewan terbatas And don't even get me started on the Confined Animal Feeding Operations
belum lagi kapasitas liftnya yang the lift capacity is also
belum lagi lowongan kerja yang moreover available job opportunities
belum lagi memasukinya sedang mereka enter it not although they
dari juta orang belum lagi than million people besides
mereka belum lagi memasukinya sedang they enter it not although
orang belum lagi layanan lain people besides other service
pertemuan ini tetapi belum lagi this appointment but not yet
stabilitas belum lagi dapat terjadi stability has not yet been
tetapi yesaya belum lagi keluar before isaiah had gone out