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  1. baluarti
  2. baluwarti
  3. bendung
  4. dinding
  5. galengan
  6. gili-gili
  7. kota
  8. kubu
  9. pagar
  10. pematang
  11. pertahanan
  12. puri
  13. sekat
  14. tambak
  15. tembok
  16. defensi
  17. pembantar
  18. penahan
  19. penangkal
  20. penangkis
  21. perisai
  22. perlindungan
  23. proteksi
  24. tameng
benteng udaraflying fortress

Related Word(s)

barbican, bastion, bastions, battlement, battlements, besides, bulwark, bulwarks, care, castle, castles, citadel, fort, fortification, fortifications, fortified, fortress, fortresses, forts, high, mightiest, rampart, ramparts, refuge, rook, shelter, towers


Dalam budaya populer, Superman punya Benteng Kesendirian (Fortress of Solitude),
In the popular culture, Superman had the Fortress of Solitude,
benteng pemantul
It's a bouncy castle
Itu saja, benteng pemantul.
That's all it is, a bouncy castle.
Dan pada hari pertama kami berada di sebuah hostel di dalam benteng.
And on that first day we were in this youth hostel in a castle.
adalah, di empat negara terakhir ini, benteng dari virus ini
was that, in these last four countries, the strongholds of this virus,
Di dekat Jaipur. Namanya Benteng Jaigarh.
This is near Jaipur. This is called the Jaigarh Fort.
Benteng ini dapat mengumpulkan 6 juta galon air hujan dalam satu musim.
And it can collect six million gallons of rainwater in one season.
Jadi, sejak 400 tahun, benteng ini sudah memberikan Anda
So, since 400 years it has been giving you
Benteng ini mengumpulkan air dari kanal sepanjang 15 kilometer.
It draws water from 15 kilometers of canals.
pembangunan benteng besar ala Vauban --
the massive Vauban-style fortifications --
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