beradu | |||
beradu dengan | hurtle against |
beradu muka | head on |
beradun | dress up |
arguing, meeting |
Contohsaling dorong-mendorong, saling beradu satu sama lainnya -- jostling with each other, bouncing off each other --
Dua wanita bersama, mereka beradu mulut. Two women together, they have an argument.
dan beradu tembak agar bisa pulang. and slap leather for home.
Jadi anda bisa mendapati murid-murid saling beradu mulut satu sama lain, So you get people arguing against each other,
Jadi saat mereka saling beradu argumen -- So while they're having their comebacks on each other --
Di dalam kelas, kami beradu pendapat In the classroom, we have arguments