Indonesian to English
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  1. berbelok
  2. berganti arah
  3. berpaling haluan
  4. berputar
  5. putar balik
  6. berubah letak
  7. ingkar
  8. pusing keling
berbalik . keturn to
berbalik dan murnikanreturn and purify
berbalik haluanturnabout
berbalik kerevert to
berbalik kepadaturn aside to
berbalik melawanturn against
berbalik serangbackfire
berbalik sikapsnapped out of it
berbalik-balikkeep turning
berbalikanbe the opposite

Related Word(s)

again, back, come, converted, repented, restored, return, returned, returning, reversing, run, spun, turn, turned, turneth, turning, turns, twisted, unbelievably, whirled, whirlwind


Lihatlah bagaimana ikan ini berputar dan berbalik.
And just notice how she rolls under and turns;
berbalik untuk datang kembali.
that she actually turned to come back up.
saya ingin berbalik dan mencoba kembali ke jalan itu dengan lebih cepat,
and I wanted to turn around and get back to that street more quickly,
atau melambat, berhenti, lalu mulai berbalik arah, dan mulai mengerut kembali.
or slow down, stop, and then reverse, so it starts to contract again.
Para gadis ini pun berbalik kepadanya dan berkata,
These little girls turned to him and said,
Dan mereka berbalik arah, kembali ke daerah pesisir,
And they turned around, headed back to the coast,
yang tadinya sinis berbalik 180 derajat,
the cynics then turned around,
dan ada saat-saat ketika saya merasa ingin berbalik mundur.
and there have been plenty of times when I felt like backing out.
Dia harus memutuskan apakah harus berbalik
It has to decide whether to turn around
dan dia kemudian berbalik.
and then it turns around.
dan lalat akan berbalik.
and the fly will initiate a turn.
Tetapi sekarang sudah berbalik.
But now it's turned around.
Dan saat kita semua berbalik ke pemahaman dasar,
And as we all begin to come back to that basic understanding,
Lalu dari sudut pandang diri di masa depan, semuanya berbalik.
And from the future self's point of view, everything is in reverse.
Setelah berjalan sejauh 6 kaki, dia berbalik dan tersenyum, dan berkata
And she gets about six feet away, she turns around and smiles, and goes,
Sementara kelompok lain berbalik
while another group turned around
jadi ia berbalik seperti ini di dalam mobil dan mencari-cari di dalam ranselnya,
so he turns around like this in the car and digs around in his backpack,
berbalik badan lagi,
goes in the back again,
dan saat kalian berbalik,
And you turn around,
dan dia lalu berbalik ke arah yang sama
and then it heads back in exactly the same direction
Dia menari kecil, dia berbalik,
He does a little dance, he turns around,
tapi dia iseng berbalik dan mulai mengikuti jejak itu,
but for fun he turned and he began to follow it,
dan kami berbalik, lalu mulai berjalan ke hulu.
and we turned and we began to make our way upstream.
Dia menarik saya dan berbalik. Saya mengayunkan tangan ke atas. Saya berhasil meraih dahan pohon.
It pulls me. It turns. I throw my hand up. I'm able to grab a branch.
Dia berbalik. Dia membawa saya ke tepi sungai
He turns. He walks me up the bank.
dan kemudian ia berbalik dengan gerakan gajah yang lambat dan anggun,
and then she turned in that beautiful slow motion of elephants,
Anggota kawanannya pun ikut berbalik dan mulai mengikutinya.
The rest of the herd turned and began to follow.
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