Indonesian to English
berbuah bear fruit, have result
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by Xamux Translate


  1. berhasil
    (berjaya, berbuah, berbunga, bertelur, jadi, lulus, makbul, menang, tercapai, sukses)
  2. bertelur
  3. berakibat
  4. berbuntut
  5. berdampak

Related Word(s)

assigned, bear, bearing, bore, forth, fructify, fructifying, fruit, fruiteth, fruitful, fruitfulness, fruiting, fruition, fruitless, fruits, generated, produce, producing, reach, ripen, season, unfruitful, yield, yielded, yields


visi ini akhirnya berbuah.
this vision came to fruition.
ketika dia keluar keesokan harinya, usahanya berbuah
her efforts ripple-effected the next day when she walks out
dan dia dapat membuat pohon stroberinya berbuah
and he's been able to get his strawberries to fruit
Namun bonus demografi hanya akan berbuah sebaik
But a demographic dividend is only as good
bahwa itu bisa menjadi waktu untuk tumbuh dan berbuah.
that it can be a time of fruition and growth.
10 Perintah Allah, kasihilah sesamamu, berbuah dan berkembang biaklah.
The Ten Commandments, love your neighbor, be fruitful and multiply.
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