Indonesian to English
berdua both
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  1. empat mata
berdua-duaby twos

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accepted, all, alone, another, answered, approach, are, ascribing, asked, band, believe, both, brother, came, come, company, consent, dreams, due, each, eat, ever, flag, flocks, fruits, go, guys, had, high, husbands, intercourse, interpretation, maintain


Mereka berdua terbuat dari karbon,
They're both made of carbon,
satu hal bening yang menyatakan kami berdua,
one clear thing that defined us both,
Itu foto kami. Sebenarnya itu foto kami berdua --
That's us there. That's both of us actually —
Inilah kami berdua di New York.
That's us in New York.
Dan mereka berdua tertawa.
And they both laughed.
berdua, berkelompok, dan lain-lain.
in pairs, journaling, whatever.
bumi bergerak untuk mereka berdua
The earth moved for both of them.
dan kami berdua belajar jaringan yang kompleks.
and we both study complex networks.
bahwa kami berdua telah memberikan pembicaraan singkat di TED
that we had both given a short TED Talk
Dan yang tersisa hanyalah kita berdua, dan kita juga akan tenggelam.
It was down to just the two of us, and we were about to go under.
dan kemudian menelurkan ide bisnis di antara kami berdua,
that eventually spawned a business idea between the two of us,
Kami mulai kehabisan makanan. Kami berdua sangat kelaparan, kehilangan berat badan.
We started running very low on food. We were both pretty hungry, losing lots of weight.
Kami berdua akan melakukannya.
Two of us are doing it.
Kami berdua sama sekali tidak memikirkan
it was the last thing on either of our minds
karena mereka berdua berhasil
because the two of them managed to get
Karena, kami berdua berasal
Because, you know, we both
hanya kami berdua berdiri di sana.
it's just the two of us standing there.
? Kita berdua akan selalu bahagia. ?
? We'll make the happiest home. ?
kami berdua merasakan frustasi akan fenomena yang sama.
we were equally frustrated by the same phenomenon.
Kita berdua akan memberi sebuah contoh kreasi.
And so the two of us are here to give you an example of creation.
Kalian berdua menang. Selamat.
You both won. I congratulate both of you.
Kami berdua menyebarkan gen satu spesies saja dan tidak yang lain.
both of us were disseminating the genes of one species and not another,
Dan kami berdua, mungkin saja, bila saya dapat membayangkan sudut pandang lebah,
and both of us -- probably, if I can imagine the bee's point of view --
dan kita berdua menikmati satu sama lain dan berusaha keluar dari tubuh kita masing-masing,
and the two of us enjoy each other, and each one tries to get out of their own,
Namun demikian, begitulah kita berdua saling berpandangan,
Anyway, there we were, staring at each other,
dan kami berdua dapat menyelesaikan masalah apapun.
and the two of us could solve any problem whatever.
Mereka menghabiskan waktu berdua saja, setiap saat.
They would have spent the time alone, all that time.
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