bereaksi | react |
bereaksi | |||
bereaksi terhadap | reacting to |
bereaksi terhadap perubahan | respond to change |
react, reacted, reacting, reaction, reacts, respond, responded, responding |
Contohbereaksi pada Hari-H, 17 Juni, would respond on the actual day, June 17,
Apakah sel akan bisa mentolerirnya? Akankah sistem kekebalan tubuh bereaksi? Are the cells going to tolerate it? Will the immune system react?
dan hanya tubuh anda yang bereaksi terhadap suara tertentu dari musik. and it's just your body reacting to certain sounds in the music.
karena dia hanya bereaksi seperti, "Wow! Menakjubkan." because she's just like, "Wow! This is so amazing."
yang bereaksi terhadap rangsangan secara langsung, who respond in straightforward ways to incentives,
Anda ingin memahami bagaimana obat itu bereaksi dalam cara yang Anda inginkan you want to understand how they're acting in the ways you want them to,
bereaksi sama seperti anak Amerika? react the same way as the American kids?
karena mereka bereaksi untuk because they're responding to
bereaksi terhadap pola gerakan sayap saat lalat terbang. respond to the pattern of wing motion as the fly flies.
jadi anda dapat bereaksi terhadap apa yang sedang terjadi kepada anda secara langsung dan segera. so that you can react to what's happening to you in real time.
dan bereaksi dengan saya secara nyata. and reacting to me in real time.
dengan bagaimana para pemirsa akan bereaksi dengan Talk anda. with how users will react to your talk.
sudah seharusnya Anda bereaksi demikian. these are the ones that should do it.
Namun, mereka bereaksi dengan cara yang sangat berbeda. And yet, they do it in a very different way.
Anda berada pada situasi di mana Anda bereaksi dengan sangat berbeda. you're put in the situation where you react in a very different manner.
otak Anda bereaksi seakan Anda kelaparan, your brain reacts as if you were starving,
akan bereaksi secara negatif pada peristiwa dan orang di masa lalu, reacted negatively to past events and people,
Akankah kita cukup cepat bereaksi Will we be quick enough to react
dan hidrogen, helium, kemudian mulai bereaksi and that hydrogen, that helium, then began to cook
tidak bereaksi terhadap cahaya does not respond to light
tetapi bagimana kita bereaksi. but how we react to things.
saling bereaksi, reacting along the way,
Betul? Kita terbiasa bereaksi dalam hidup, Right? We normally walk through life responding,
Jawabannya adalah, kita bereaksi pada rasa aman The answer is, we respond to the feeling of security
dan bagaimana mobil ini melihat dunia dan bereaksi dan apa yang dilakukannya, and allow you to see how it sees the world and how it reacts and what it does,
kami bisa mengantisipasinya dan bereaksi dengan baik. and we can anticipate that behavior and respond safely.
informasi bagaimana kalian harus bereaksi, that tells you how to deal with that,
Lihatlah burung ini terbang melintas di depan kami. Mobil kami bereaksi. Watch this bird fly across in front of us. The car reacts to that.
pengendara sepeda ini bereaksi, menghindar, this cyclists reacts, avoids,