Indonesian to English
bergumpal in clumps, wads
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by Xamux Translate
bergumpal-gumpalin many clumps
bergumpal-gumpalansee "bergumpal-gumpal"
bergumpalansee "bergumpal-gumpal"

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Ia sangat bergumpal.
It's extremely lumpy.
adalah awan yang bergumpal gumpal
a mass of clouds
concreted bergumpal seperti darah grumous
concreted clotted as grumous blood
dan menjadikannya bergumpal gumpal lalu
and shatters them then
grume tebal concreted bergumpal seperti
grume thick concreted clotted as
itu adalah awan yang bergumpal
it is a heap of
mengandung grume tebal concreted bergumpal
containing grume thick concreted clotted
menjadikannya bergumpal gumpal lalu kamu
shatters them then thou
tebal concreted bergumpal seperti grumous
thick concreted clotted as grumous
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