berjatuhan | fall ( plural ). |
berjatuhan | |||
darken, down, dropped, fall, falling, scatter, scattered, spilled, tumbling |
Contohpotongan tubuh tersebut akan berjatuhan. a piece of that shrapnel.
Katanya, "Anda menggelindingkan bola, dan terdengar suara pin berjatuhan. They said, "You roll the ball, you hear some pins go down.
pecahan logam berjatuhan. and a burning metal hunk coming back.
Benda-benda ini berjatuhan sepanjang akhir pekan These things would drop down from above all through the weekend
dan "chk chk chk chk chk!" -- kerikilan itu terlempar ke kaca kolam dan berjatuhan. and -- chk chk chk chk chk! -- this gravel hits the front of the glass and falls down.