berkeringat | |||
berkeringat dingin | sweat out |
clammy, perspire, perspired, perspires, perspiring, sweat, sweated, sweating, sweats, sweaty |
Contohtangan berkeringat, malam-malam tanpa tidur, sweaty palms, sleepless nights,
yang kita lakukan dengan sangat baik itu adalah berkeringat. the only thing we do really, really well is sweat.
Kita sangat pandai berkeringat dan menjadi bau. We're really good at being sweaty and smelly.
Melebihi semua mamalia lain di dunia ini, kita sangat pandai berkeringat. Better than any other mammal on Earth, we can sweat really well.
Saya berkeringat saat makan daging. I get the meat sweats.
Selang beberapa saat saya mulai berkeringat. And after a while I began to perspire.
sebenarnya khamir itu bersendawa dan berkeringat, itulah roti. essentially it's burping and sweating, which is what bread is.
saya terengah-engah dan berkeringat, lumpur sampai setinggi lutut, and I'm panting and sweating, got mud up to my knees,
dan aromanya akan keluar dari kulit ketika Anda berkeringat. and the fragrance comes out through the skin's surface when you perspire.
Yang pertama adalah: Jika anda berkeringat di akhir konser... The first one was: If you sweat by the end of the concert
untuk mengejar mangsa, juga mungkin berkeringat berlebihan. chasing prey, probably sweating heavily as they did so.
Musuh tidak berkeringat melakukannya. The enemy didn't break a sweat doing it.
Dan saya berkeringat. And I sweated.