Indonesian to English
berkumpul di gather in
berkumpul di
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gathered, together


Sebaliknya, puluhan ribu manusia biasa berkumpul di sana,
In contrast, humans normally gather there in tens of thousands,
berkumpul di New Hampshire, AS,
gathered in New Hampshire, USA,
mengapa jutaan orang setiap minggu berkumpul di kota.
why a million people a week are gathering in cities.
Kita tidak tahu mengapa mereka berkumpul di sana.
We don't know why they converge there, we simply don't know.
Kami anak-anak berkumpul di rumah teman.
We the children had gathered at a friend's house.
udara di ruangan ini akan berkumpul di salah satu sudut ruangan dan mencekik kita.
the air in this room all gathering over one part of the room and suffocating us.
Kerumunan orang berkumpul di Tahrir Square.
Crowds are gathered in Tahrir Square.
Mereka berkumpul di sekitar hal-hal yang mereka cintai,
They aggregate around the things they love,
Apa yang terjadi saat 20.000 orang berkumpul di dalam penampungan?
What happens when 20,000 people congregate in a camp?
Para warga berkumpul di hari pertama itu
The citizens got together on that first day
Ketika negara-negara berkumpul di tempat seperti Kopenhagen,
When countries get together in places like Copenhagen,
yang menderita dan berkumpul di sebuah gereja Katolik --
suffering and gathering at a Catholic church --
dan berkumpul di stadion rugby untuk menonton pertandingan.
gather in football stadiums to watch games.
dan anak-anak berkumpul di sana.
and the children flocked there.
para siswanya berkumpul di sekelilingnya,
students all around him,
dimana masyarakat berkumpul di sekitarnya
where people gather around the vehicle
Kalian lihat, orang-orang mulai berdatangan untuk berkumpul di tengah kota
And then you're going to see people start to gather in the center of the city
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