Indonesian to English
berkumpul assemble
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  1. bergabung
    (berasosiasi, berbaur, bercampur, bercantum, berfusi, bergugus-gugus, berhimpun, berikat, berintegrasi, berkelompok, berkoalisi, berkomplot, berkongkalikong, berkolusi, berkumpul, berpadu, bersatu, bersekutu, bersepakat, berserikat)
  2. berhimpun
  3. berkampung
  4. bergerombol
  5. berkelompok
  6. berkerumun terkumpul tergabung
  7. terhimpun
  8. terpusat
  9. tergalang
  10. terkerahkan
  11. terekrut perkumpulan asosiasi
  12. federasi
  13. gabungan
  14. perhimpunan
  15. perikatan
  16. kelompok
  17. klub
  18. kongsi
  19. masyarakat
  20. persatuan
  21. persekutuan
  22. perserikatan
  23. uni
berkumpul bersamaget on together
berkumpul dalam gerombolangang together
berkumpul denganclubbed together with
berkumpul digather in
berkumpul kembalireconvene

Related Word(s)

agglomerate, aggregate, agree, all, alone, apostles, around, assemble, assembled, assembling, assembly, band, be, brought, clustered, come, congregate, congregated, congregating, container, convened, converge, converged, converging, declare, emerge, forth


atau, burung yang memiliki bulu yang sama berkumpul bersama;
or, birds of a feather flock together;
karena manusia berkumpul
is that human beings assemble themselves
ada beberapa ratus orang berkumpul.
there was hundreds of people gathered together.
Mereka berkumpul
And they gathered together
tempat jutaan dari mereka berkumpul,
where millions of them come together,
berkumpul bersama untuk mendiskusikannya.
come together to discuss them.
Saya datang untuk berkumpul kembali dengan keluarga saya
I came mainly to be reunited with my family
Saat kami berkumpul bersama,
And when we would gather as fellows,
Setelah itu, setiap kali kami berkumpul dengan sesama rekan kerja,
And whenever we would gather the fellows after that,
tapi akhirnya para pemuka lingkungan berkumpul bersama,
but ultimately the leaders of the community came together,
para pemuda, dapat berkumpul bersama,
young people, can come together,
menjadi tempat berkumpul bagi masyarakat.
into a community gathering space.
Dan pemirsa saya pun berkumpul, dan mereka merancang sampul album.
And the audience came together, and they designed an album cover.
Ruang dimana orang-orang berkumpul
It was a space where people would get together
Ide-ide akan berkumpul disana.
ideas would get together there.
ketika semua orang berkumpul dan saling berbagi informasi dan temuan-temuan,
when everybody got together and shared their kind of latest data and findings,
dimana anda mendapatkan berbagai macam ide yang berkumpul bersama-sama,
where you have lots of different ideas that are together,
dan semua orang bisa berkumpul dan membuat teknologi baru
and anybody could come along and build new technology
Sebaliknya, puluhan ribu manusia biasa berkumpul di sana,
In contrast, humans normally gather there in tens of thousands,
dimana orang-orang berkumpul untuk membahas ketertarikan mereka sendiri.
where people getting together and talking about their own interests.
orang awam dapat berkumpul bersama dan mengumpulkan jumlah uang yang besar
people of modest means can band together and amass vast sums of money
berkumpul di New Hampshire, AS,
gathered in New Hampshire, USA,
Tidak ada hari di mana umat manusia bisa berkumpul,
There was no day when humanity came together,
Mereka bisa bersatu. Mereka bisa berkumpul. Kalau orang-orang berhenti, nyawa akan diselamatkan."
They can unite. They can come together. If people would stop, lives will be saved."
di tempat-tempat mereka berkumpul dan menggunakan narkoba.
in the places where they're hanging out and taking drugs.
saat ada banyak orang yang berkumpul bersama dengan kondisi yang tepat,
what we see when we get a lot of people together with the right conditions
mengapa jutaan orang setiap minggu berkumpul di kota.
why a million people a week are gathering in cities.
Ini adalah lokasi di Pasifik tempat hiu-hiu berkumpul.
This is a location in the Pacific where white shark converge.
Kita tidak tahu mengapa mereka berkumpul di sana.
We don't know why they converge there, we simply don't know.
di mana pada saat itu semua keluarga akan berkumpul kembali
during which time all families are reunited
dan orang-orang akan berkumpul dengan yang mereka kasihi.
and people surrounded with the ones they love.
dan saya berkumpul kembali dengan orang-orang yang saya kasihi.
and was reunited with the ones I love.
Para hadirin, harap berkumpul.
Ladies and gentlemen, gather around.
untuk berkumpul, untuk memberikan informasi.
who could gather, who could bring us information.
Orang-orang tidak dapat berkumpul
People could not gather
Kami anak-anak berkumpul di rumah teman.
We the children had gathered at a friend's house.
Maka, beberapa orang berkumpul dan memutuskan, ini semua sudah cukup
So, a number of us got together and decided that, you know, enough is enough
udara di ruangan ini akan berkumpul di salah satu sudut ruangan dan mencekik kita.
the air in this room all gathering over one part of the room and suffocating us.
dan orang-orang berkumpul dengan cepat di jalanan.
and people just materialized immediately into the street.
Dan di tahun 1860, orang-orang ini berkumpul
And in 1860, this group of people came together,
Jadi Anda juga mempunyai kemampuan bagi orang-orang untuk datang berkumpul
So you also have the ability for people to start coming together
berkumpul bersama, mengirim surel.
getting together, sending the emails.
Kerumunan orang berkumpul di Tahrir Square.
Crowds are gathered in Tahrir Square.
Jadi para perencana kota berkumpul dan memutuskan
So the city planners, they get together and they figure
Jadi saya dan kelompok saya, L.A Green Grounds, berkumpul
So me and my group, L.A. Green Grounds, we got together
Jadi ketika anda melihat online pada cara orang berkumpul,
So when you look online at the way people aggregate,
mereka tidak berkumpul
they don't aggregate
Mereka berkumpul di sekitar hal-hal yang mereka cintai,
They aggregate around the things they love,
Apa yang terjadi saat 20.000 orang berkumpul di dalam penampungan?
What happens when 20,000 people congregate in a camp?
berkumpul kembali dengan orang tua mereka
reunited with their parents,
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