berlindung | be under the protection of |
berlindung | |||
betake, called, cover, cried, escape, fastened, feet, hide, hiding, knew, polished, praying, protect, protection, recorded, recourse, refuge, rely, retreat, retreated, safety, sanctuary, seek, shelter, sheltered, sheltering, sought, stars, stronghold, take |
Contohdan berlindung di rumah kita sendiri, and house ourselves,
Sebagai gantinya, Taliban menyediakan makanan dan tempat berlindung gratis In return, they provide free food and shelter
tempat berlindung bagi anak-anak ini. shelter to these children.
Anda pencipta makanan, tempat berlindung, You're makers of food; you're makers of shelter;
karena kami tidak punya tempat berlindung." because we don't have safe homes."