Indonesian to English
berlomba race
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  1. beradu kekuatan
    (berkompetisi, berlaga, berlomba, bersaing, bertanding, bertarung)
  2. berkompetisi
  3. berlaga
  4. bertanding
  5. bertarung adu cepat
  6. berpacu
  7. bersilaju atas mengatasi
  8. bersaing
berlomba dayungrow against
berlomba denganrace against
berlomba kecepatanraced against
berlomba melawanracing against
berlomba melawan wakturaced against time
berlomba mengejar wakturace against time

Related Word(s)

compete, competing, given, race, raced, races, racing, running, speed


Semua tengah berlomba-lomba
And there is a race on at the moment
Kakak beradik itu suatu hari memutuskan untuk berlomba,
The two brothers one day decided to go on a race,
Wanita sudah ikut berlomba di Olimpiade sejak lama,
Women have been in the Olympics for quite some time now,
jadi Anda bisa berlomba untuk mencari tahu
so you can compete for who drives around
Ini adalah sebuah yacht-darat yang sedang berlomba melintasi gurun di Nevada.
This is a land yacht racing across the desert in Nevada.
mereka pergi ke orang-orang yang berlomba untuk kursi
they went to those who were running for seats
mereka berlomba memprogram ulang sel-sel ini
they are racing to reprogram these cells
para ilmuwan berlomba
scientists are racing
Namun saya tetap harus berlomba lari dengan relawan lainnya
But still it was a real footrace against the other volunteers
yang saling berlomba untuk menarik penduduk baru.
that were all competing to attract new residents.
yang saling berlomba untuk menarik penduduk baru?
that are competing to attract new residents?
kemudian siswa dari tiap tim harus berlomba
and then one student from each team has to compete
berlomba dengan para tetua dengan kereta kuda dan mengundang Budha terlebih dahulu.
raced the elders of the city in a chariot and invited him first.
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