Indonesian to English
bermuatan contain
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bermuatan negatifnegatively charged
bermuatan positifpositively charged

Related Word(s)

carrying, charged, electrically, foreshadow, heavy, laden, operation, truck, vehicles


dan memungkinkan partikel bermuatan untuk masuk bintik-mata itu.
and allows charged particles to enter the eye-spot,
Protein ini bermuatan sangat negatif.
These proteins are very negatively charged.
dan aroma bumi, gandum, rumput, partikel yang bermuatan.
and the smell of the earth, the wheat, the grass, the charged particles.
partikel-partikel bermuatan listrik,
electrically charged particles,
Kedua inti atom ini, saat terpisah jauh akan bermuatan listrik.
These two nuclei, when they're far apart, are charged.
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