Indonesian to English
berpesta celebrate
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  1. bergembira ria
    (berpesta, bersenang-senang, bersuka-suka)
  2. bersuka-suka
berpesta-porakilled the fatted calf

Related Word(s)

celebrating, feast, feasting, party, play


Mereka berpesta di dalamnya. Mereka menyukainya.
They had their prom in the mall. They loved their mall.
Para bintang Bollywood yang sering berpesta bersama saya
The Bollywood stars who I would party with
Kita berpesta pora waktu sudah selesai.
We had a big party at the end.
(Video) Rebecca Black: ? Sekarang hari Jumat, Jumat. Aku akan berpesta di hari Jumat. ?
(Video) Rebecca Black: ? It's Friday, Friday. Gotta get down on Friday. ?
? Jumat, Jumat. Berpesta di hari Jumat. ?
? Friday, Friday. Gettin' down on Friday. ?
yang sering berpesta dan menyalahgunakan warisannya."
that partied so hard, and so abused its inheritance."
Berpesta? Saya sungguh bingung.
Feasting? I was totally confused.
Saya bertanya, “Miguel, bukannya mereka berpesta makan ikanmu?”
I said, "Miguel, aren't they feasting on your fish?"
dengan lugunya kita berpesta di jalan-jalan kota Kairo
we naively celebrated on the streets of Cairo,
di mana Anda bekerja keras, berpesta, dan Anda harus menjadi yang terbaik.
where you work hard, play hard, you gotta be the best, you gotta be the best.
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