Indonesian to English
bersaing compete
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  1. berapit
    (berapatan, berdampingan, berdekatan, berdempetan, berhimpit, berkembar, berpasangan, bersampingan, bersanding, bersebelahan, menempel, mepet, rapat)
  2. berkembar
  3. berpasangan
  4. bersama-sama
  5. beriring-iring
  6. berdampingan
  7. bersamaan
  8. bergandengan
  9. sejajar
bersaing dengancompetitive with

Related Word(s)

action, answering, compete, competed, competes, competing, competition, competitive, contend, contending, contested, equal, exceptional, flared, order, related, rivaling, rivalry, stay, vie, vying


Mereka masuk ke perguruan tinggi yang bersaing, mendapat pekerjaan bagus,
They get into competitive colleges, they get good jobs,
memiliki batas kegilaan ini untuk bersaing.
have this edge to compete.
Sel membelah, bersaing,
Well it divides, it competes,
Molekul bersaing untuk mendapat bahan.
Molecules are competing for stuff.
untuk saling berkomunikasi, membuat bentuk yang benar, dan bersaing,
to talk to each other and make the right shapes and compete,
yang akan tersalin dan bersaing.
that will replicate and compete.
yang memungkinkan materi saling bersaing?
that allows matter to compete?
kita harus melawan produk mereka dengan produk kita. Kita harus bersaing.
it's their brand against our brand. We've got to compete.
dari ajang saling bersaing.
berkata, "Bagaimana kami dapat bersaing
say, "Well, how are we supposed to compete
dan menjadi lebih efektif dalam bersaing dengan kelompok lain.
and then being more effective at competing with other groups.
Saya membuat wanita desa bersaing dengan perusahaan multinasional.
I make a rural woman to compete with multinationals.
Kadang kedua alasan untuk melakukan hal yang sama tadi sepertinya bersaing satu sama lain
Sometimes two reasons to do the same thing seem to compete with one another
Anda benar tentang pendanaan, kami bersaing;
You're right about the funding, we compete;
saling bersaing dalam pembentukan struktur.
compete against each other in structure forming.
yang sedang bersaing
that are in competition right now
karena dua efek yang saling bersaing
because of two competing effects,
Karena itulah, yg sanggup bersaing dengan Microsoft
That is why the competition with Microsoft is bound to come --
tidak hanya bersaing di masyarakat kita,
not only battling it out in our society,
Anda tahu, dunia musik Brazil tidak hanya bersaing dengan perusahaan rekaman utama saja.
You know, Brazilian music scene isn't just answering the major labels.
Setiap musim, perancang-perancang ini bersaing
Every season, these designers have to struggle
dengan harga rendah, sehingga sangat bersaing.
at a good price, so they are very competitive.
sehingga para LSM saling bersaing satu sama lain
so they have to compete against each other
yang bersaing berebut sinar matahari dengan mereka."
who they compete with for sunlight."
Bayangkan seolah-olah itu minibus. Sekelompok teknisi mobil bersaing
Think of it in minivans. A group of automobile
bersaing langsung dengan Microsoft, bukan dalam permasalahan sederhana
direct competition with Microsoft. Not in a side issue --
Wikipedia bersaing dengan ensiklopedia online.
Wikipedia competing with online encyclopedias.
peradaban dengan kepala suku yang saling bersaing, dan kebencian mereka pada Inuit,
a competitive-ranked chiefly society; and their scorn for the Inuit,
yang dapat langsung bersaing dengan mesin pembakaran internal --
that can go head-to-head with the internal combustion engine --
Semua sekolah di Texas saling bersaing satu sama lain
All these schools in Texas compete with one another
Apakah harganya bersaing?
Is it cost-competitive?
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