bertambah tua | get along in years |
bertambah tua | |||
ContohAnda membuat saya bertambah tua. you actually age me.
bukan hanya kita bertambah tua saja, that not only as we grow older,
bahwa dengan bertambah tua kita, kita cenderung untuk lupa dan kita harus belajar lagi. that, as we get older, we tend to forget and we have to relearn.
Pohon Baobab, saat mereka bertambah tua So the Baobabs, as they get older,
untuk bertambah tua. to grow old.
Saya terus bertambah tua dan mereka selalu berumur sama, I keep getting older and older and they're always the same age,
Lalu, tentu saja, saat Anda bertambah tua, And then, of course, as you get older,
Saat Anda bertambah tua, Anda menjadi lebih stabil. As you get older, you become more stable.
Saat penduduk dunia bertambah tua, As the world population ages,
harapan bahwa, saat kita bertambah tua hope that, as we age,
Dan saya pikir bertambah tua memiliki And I think that human aging shares
Kita tumbuh, dan kita bertambah tua. We grew up, and we grew older.
Mereka bertambah tua. Kita semua bertumbuh seiring waktu. They got older. We all develop over time.