berunding | |||
berunding bersama-sama | reason together |
berunding dengan | closet with |
berunding sama-sama | laid heads together |
argued, aside, confer, conference, conferred, conferring, consult, consultation, consulted, coordinating, decided, deliberating, discussed, negotiate, negotiating, negotiations, planning, plotting, sit, talk, work, working |
Contohuntuk berunding dengan peradaban maju? to negotiate with an advanced species?
dia berunding dengan semua wanita teman kerjanya she conferred with all the other women that she works with,
untuk berunding tentang cara mengatasi to talk about how to overcome
yang berunding mulai dari bukti yang ada sampai kesimpulan, that reasons from shared evidence to conclusions,
bahwa kita sebenarnya tidak bisa berunding that we cannot actually have negotiations
Alam tidak mau berunding; Mother nature doesn't negotiate;
Daripada berunding dengan pengusaha -- Rather than sit with Ugandan --
Daripada berunding dengan pengusaha Uganda, rather than sit with Ugandan entrepreneurs,