bes | see BIS 4. |
bes | |||
besan | 1 relationship between parents whose children are married to e.o. 2 title used between people in this relationship. |
besar | big, large, huge, arrogant |
besar atau kecil | major or minor |
besar bunga | amount of the interest |
besar dan progresive | large progressive |
besar gaya | magnitude of a force |
besar sekali | cyclopian |
besar sekali ukurannya | bulky |
besar-besaran | on the large scale |
besar/buas | grizzly |
besaran | bigger |
besaran bahang | heat quantity |
besaran cahaya | luminous quantities |
besaran dasar | basic quantity |
besaran sinaran | radiant quantities |
besaran tereduksi | reduced property |
besarnya | bigness |
besarnya pajak | rate of tax |
besek | k.o. covered square basket of plaited bamboo. |
besel | bribe. |
chromiu, ssx |
abad ada baju besi untuk th century any armor for
abad pertengahan fleksibel baju besi middle ages flexible armor
abadi asia timur memiliki besar east asian perennial having large
abadi memiliki bola lampu besar perennial having a large bulb
abadi pendakian tanaman dengan besar perennial climbing plant with large
abaikan besar kecilnya huruf ketika ignore case when
abu abu atau besi hitam gray or iron black
abu abu baja atau besi steel gray or iron
abu abu besar tanah squirrel large grey ground squirrel
abu abu daun pubescent sutra greyish silky pubescent leaves
abu abu warna terjadi besar gray color occurring massive
abu besi hitam atau gelap an iron black or dark
acacia spadicigera memiliki besar lubang acacia spadicigera has large hollows
acanthocottus memiliki kepala besar yang acanthocottus having a large head
acanthus memiliki besar berduri daun acanthus having large spiny leaves