Indonesian to English
betis calf
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Related Word(s)

calf, calves, intercourse, legs, posse, shank, shin, when


mereka hanya mempunyai betis elegan yang bertumpuk.
they just have one elegant calve on top of another.
Dokter mengambil tulang betis saya
The doctors took a fibula bone from my leg
betis saya -- sakit. Saya mau libur dulu minggu ini,"
my achilles -- I'm tapering. I got to take this week off,"
Lalu dia mengambil tulang betis saya,
Then he took my fibula from my calf,
Dan yang dia lakukan adalah memisahkannya dari jaringan di betis saya
And what he actually did was he de-vascularized it from my calf
Bayangkan memar pada betis Anda karena
Think of the bruise you get on your shin
dengan kondisi betis yang parah --
with some severely edemic kankles --
betis Anda, paha Anda,
your calves, your thighs,
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