biarlah | that will do, all right |
biarlah | |||
biarlah itu terjadi | let it be |
biarlah semua orang yang | let every one who |
acknowledge, allow, argument, be, come, end, enough, leave, let, make, may, most, oh, pupil, put, shall, showing, surely, thistles, underfoot |
ContohDan biarlah Olimpiade berikutnya menyelamatkan beberapa nyawa. And let the next Olympics save some lives.
Dan biarlah sekop menjadi senjata pilihan Anda. And let that be your weapon of choice.
“Oh, biarlah kuberikan saja yang mereka mau, dan jangan berurusan lagi.” "Oh, let me just grant it to them, and run away from it."
yang sudah terjadi biarlah terjadi." what's done is done."
dan biarlah ia berangkat pulang."' and let him go up.'"