biro | office |
biro | |||
biro (pena) | biro |
biro iklan | advertising agent |
biro klasifikasi kapal | b.v. |
biro perburuhan | labour-exchange |
biro perjalanan | travel trade |
biro-gambar | drawing office |
biro-insinyur | engineering company |
biro-paten | patent-office |
biro-pembangunan | building office |
birokrasi | bureaucracy |
birokrat | bureaucrat |
birokrat fungsional | functional bureaucrat |
birokrat pekerjaan | job bureaucrat |
birokrat pelayanan | service bureaucrat |
birokratis | bureaucratic |
birokratisasi | bureaucratisation |
birokratisme | bureaucratism |
agents, board, broker, bureau, bureaus, firm, firms |
ContohBiro Riset Pemerintah And the Government Research Bureau
hidup di bawah naungan Biro Pengelolaan Lahan Tanah. live on Bureau of Land Management land,
Biro Investigasi Federal Federal Bureau of Investigation
acara ini biro perjalanan austria this event austrian travel agents
aliran birokrasi pemotongan biaya peningkatan streamline bureaucracy cut costs increase
anggota senior politbiro hizbullah syeikh hezbollah senior politburo member sheikh
antara birokrat pemerintah dan pihak between government bureaucrats and
atau birokrat yang tidak dokumen or bureaucrat who does paperwork
atau kepercayaan publik terhadap birokrasi public trust towards bureaucracy
atau menyerupai seorang birokrat atau or resembling a bureaucrat or
bawah naungan biro pengelolaan lahan bureau of land management
beban birokrasi yang sangat besar a huge bureaucratic burden
berdagang dengan biro biro yang trade with firms
besar ray manta birostris atau huge ray manta birostris or
biro bagian hukum menjelaskan bahwa the legal bureau explained that
biro bangunan air hiroshima mengatakan hiroshima waterworks bureau said
biro biro wall street berdagang wall street firms trading
biro biro wall street tetap wall street firms remain