bob | bouffant |
bob | |||
bob hidrogen | fusion bomb |
boba | (Ambon) ulcerations caused by frambesia. |
bobin | bobin |
bobinet | bobbinnet |
bobo | sleep |
bobok | pierce, break open |
bobokan | hole, aperture |
bobol | give way |
bobolan | pierced hole |
bobos | breach |
bobot | heavy, weight, integrity |
bobot adhesi | adhesion weight |
bobot atom | atomic-weight |
bobot diri | dead load |
bobot fetes | drop weight |
bobot jenis | specific gravity |
bobot kontra | balance weight |
bobot maksimum | maximum weight |
bobot mati | dead weight |
bobot molekul kentara | apparent molecular weight |
bouffant |
ContohJadi Bob Gelfons ada di sekitar sini -- So Bob Gelfond's around here --
Saya menelepon Sir Bob Ayling, CEO BA saat itu, And I rang Sir Bob Ayling, who was CEO of BA at the time,
Ada seorang laki-laki, laki-laki ini bernama Bob McKim. This is a guy named Bob McKim.
Jadi satu lagi latihan favorit Bob McKim So another one of Bob McKim’s favorite exercises
Jadi, Bob McKim melakukan sesuatu- -- So now, Bob McKim did another
Bob Marley tidak membuat Rastafarians. Bob Marley did not invent Rastafarians.
Profesor Bob Wang dan timnya Professor Bob Wang and his team
Teman lama saya Bob Nozick, seorang filsuf yang hebat, My late, lamented friend Bob Nozick, a fine philosopher,
Billy-Bob atau Billy Bass, atau sejenisnya. Billy-Bob, or Billy Bass, or something like that.
Bob Russell memberi tahu kita tentang nanotube Well, Bob Russell was telling us about his work on nanotubes
ketika saya menulis "Finding Nemo" bersama Bob Peterson. when I was writing with Bob Peterson on "Finding Nemo."
kemudian seseorang seperti Bob Lanza yang bekerja di Advanced Cell Technology so someone like Bob Lanza at Advanced Cell Technology
Hal yang paling menggairahkan bagi Bob Lanza The most exciting thing for Bob Lanza
Kami akan dibantu oleh Bob Lanza dan Mike McGrew We'll get help from Bob Lanza and Mike McGrew
yang saya gunakan untuk mengambil foto film Bob Dylan 35 tahun yang lalu. the one I shot my Bob Dylan film with 35 years ago.
Seperti Bob Metcalfe menciptakan Ethernet It was Bob Metcalfe inventing the Ethernet
Ini adalah senator Gustavo Rivera dan Bob Bieder, That's our State Senator Gustavo Rivera and Bob Bieder,
Saya di ruang operasi. Di sini ada Bob, I'm in the operating room. We have Bob here,
Bob berbaring di meja operasi, dan kami mengambil satu jarum kecil, Bob's on the table, and we take this sort of small needle,
Jangankan Bob, let alone Bob,
Dan, jadi, dengan cepat, Bob hanya mendapat satu tusukan, pembiusan lokal, And, so, very quickly, Bob can just get one puncture, local anesthesia,