Indonesian to English
bundar round, circular
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  1. bulat
    (bundar, cukup, genap, integral, jangap, kafi, komplet, lengkap, menyeluruh, padu, penuh, sempurna, solid, tamam, tunggal, utuh)
  2. buntak
  3. buntar
  4. melingkar
bundarancircle, traffic, hoop
bundaran lalu lintascircle traffic

Related Word(s)

cake, cakes, circular, globose, globular, orbicular, round, rounded, roundish, skim


menantang bahaya gergaji bundar,
defy the fury of the buzzsaw,
Kami telah mengambil kamera mata-ikan berlensa bundar itu,
We've taken those circular fish-eye lens cameras,
Bundar, anggun.
It's round, it's neat.
karena 'track pad' dulunya berbentuk bundar,
because track pads used to be round,
bentuk bundar yang indah.
a nice round shape.
Mari kita ambil nematoda cacing bundar, hewan yang paling banyak di bumi.
Consider the nematode roundworm, the most abundant of all animals.
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