bur | sound of splashing. |
bur | |||
bura | spittle, spit |
burai | ber-, mem-, ter- hang out in strands (of hair, etc), spill out in streams (rice, cement, etc.). |
burak | see BORAK. |
buraksa | see BERAKSA. |
buram | blueprint, sketch, unregistered, not clear, dark |
buraq | see BORAK. |
buras | chitchat, small talk |
burat | see BOREH. |
bureng | hazy, unclear, dim (of glasses, etc.). |
bures | see BURAS 1, 2, 3. |
burger | burger |
burglar-proof | burglar-proof |
burik | 1 dotted, speckled (of feathers, skin). 2 pockmarked. |
burit | poterior, rear |
buritan | ship stern |
buritan kapal | after body of a vessel |
burjasmani | (Tech.) elliptical. |
burju'ssunbulat | (Zod.) Virgo. |
burjuasi | see BORJUASI. |
burjuis | see BORJUIS. |
burs |
abadi bur rumput digunakan terutama perennial bur grass used particularly
abu abu baja oleh burnishing steel gray by burnishing
abu abu burung lagu eropa gray european song bird
abu abu burung penyanyi yang grey songbird that
abu abu dan merah burung grey and red bird
abu abu eurasia burung dicatat grey eurasian bird noted
abu abu keabu abuan taburi gray grayish sprinkled
abu abu oleh burnishing simbol gray by burnishing symbol
abu hitam lambat burung terbang slate black slow flying birds
acquisition ketchum communications pittsburgh membeli acquisition ketchum communications pittsburgh acquired
ada burung jauh lebih sedikit there are far fewer birds
ada halyang sangat buruk terjadi something real awful happened
ada juga yang akan kabur others would slink
ada kemungkinan yang lebih buruk it gets worse
ada lagi kesuburan yang tersisa is no fertility left