Indonesian to English
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  1. aus
    (buruk, busuk, jebol, lapuk, rombeng, rongsok, rusak, susut, usang)
  2. bangsai
  3. bapet
  4. basi
  5. bejat
  6. benyek
  7. bonyok
  8. buruk
  9. butut
  10. kempuh
  11. kemungkus
  12. keropos
  13. lapuk
  14. lotak
  15. mesum
  16. mumuk
  17. puih
  18. rapuh
  19. rasan
  20. rebeh
  21. reput
  22. rombeng
  23. rongsok
  24. rusak
  25. tembelang
  26. usang
  27. apak
  28. bacin
  29. hangit
  30. tengik
  31. sangit
  32. sengak
  33. dengki
  34. hasad
  35. jelek
  36. khianat
  37. korup
  38. jahat
  39. tebal hati
  40. virulen


  1. segar
    (afiat, bugar, enak (stamina), fit, nya-man, sehat, aktual, anyar, baru, gres, hangat)

Related Word(s)

aggressive, bad, bedbugs, blight, corrupt, corrupted, corruptly, decay, decayed, decaying, fetid, foul, putrefied, putrescent, putrid, rank, rot, rotted, rotten, rottenness, rotting, sleazy, smashed, spoilage, spoiled, stench, stinking


Ini semacam rahasia busuk dari kemiskinan,
It's kind of like the dirty, little secret of poverty,
Singkat kata, tubuhnya berbau busuk.
In a word, she stank.
kutu busuk, lebah pembunuh, spam --
bed bugs, killer bees, spam --
dan merasa kewalahan dengan bau busuk ini.
and just be overwhelmed with this stench.
dengan bisul tumor besar berbau busuk ini
with this huge ulcerating, foul-smelling tumor
makanan beracun dan busuk.
poisonous and rotten material.
seperti bau busuk menyengat dari daging busuk,
such as the horrid smell of rotting meat,
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