busuk | |||
aggressive, bad, bedbugs, blight, corrupt, corrupted, corruptly, decay, decayed, decaying, fetid, foul, putrefied, putrescent, putrid, rank, rot, rotted, rotten, rottenness, rotting, sleazy, smashed, spoilage, spoiled, stench, stinking |
ContohIni semacam rahasia busuk dari kemiskinan, It's kind of like the dirty, little secret of poverty,
Singkat kata, tubuhnya berbau busuk. In a word, she stank.
kutu busuk, lebah pembunuh, spam -- bed bugs, killer bees, spam --
dan merasa kewalahan dengan bau busuk ini. and just be overwhelmed with this stench.
dengan bisul tumor besar berbau busuk ini with this huge ulcerating, foul-smelling tumor
makanan beracun dan busuk. poisonous and rotten material.
seperti bau busuk menyengat dari daging busuk, such as the horrid smell of rotting meat,