Indonesian to English
buta huruf illiteracy
buta huruf
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by Xamux Translate


  1. buta kayu
  2. tunaaksara

Related Word(s)

illiteracy, illiterate, literate, unlettered


Anak: Orang tua kami buta huruf dan kami ingin mengajari mereka membaca dan menulis.
Child: Our parents are illiterate and we want to teach them how to read and write.
Dan jumlah orang yang buta huruf turun dari separuh menjadi seperempat penduduk Bumi.
And illiteracy has gone down, from a half to about a quarter of the people on Earth.
Dia seorang buta huruf,
She is an illiterate girl,
Seringkali orang tua mereka masih buta huruf,
Their parents are often illiterate,
Mereka dipelihara oleh ibu yang buta huruf
They've been brought up by mothers who are illiterate,
Kebanyakan orang tua siswa di sekolah tersebut buta huruf
Most of the children there have parents who are illiterate.
Anda dapat lihat, dengan kemerdekaan, buta huruf diberantas
You can see, with independence, literacy improved
Tingkat buta huruf di China pada generasi ini
The illiteracy rate in China among this generation
yang buta huruf.
illiterate women,
dia seorang nenek, buta huruf, yang juga seorang dokter gigi
she's a grandmother, illiterate, who's a dentist.
Pada tempat dimana persentase buta huruf sangat tinggi,
Where the percentage of illiteracy is very high,
dan 70 persen rakyatnya buta huruf.
and 70 percent of the people are illiterate.
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