Indonesian to English
cacar pustular skin eruption, smallpox
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  1. abilah
  2. ketumbuhan
  3. variola
  4. cacau
  5. gesit
  6. lincah
  7. racau
cacar airchicken pox
cacar sapicowpox

Related Word(s)

chickenpox, pox, smallpox


sama seperti cacar.
in the way that smallpox had been eradicated.
yang ditanamkan pemerintah Amerika untuk memberantas cacar
that the U.S. put into smallpox eradication
Namun pemberantasan cacar sangat sulit;
But smallpox eradication was hard;
daripada jumlah negara yang terinfeksi cacar.
than had been when we started off with smallpox.
tidak seperti vaksin cacar
in contrast to the smallpox vaccine,
adalah, tidak seperti cacar di mana Anda selalu bisa melihat musuh Anda --
is that, in contrast to smallpox where you could always see your enemy --
hampir setiap orang yang terkena cacar
every single person almost who was infected with smallpox
dibandingkan dengan yang kami lakukan dengan cacar.
than what was done with smallpox.
Misalnya, cacar mengakibatkan kematian mencapai 4 juta orang
For example, measles was four million of the deaths
Tetapi kapan terakhir kali Anda khawatir tentang cacar air,
But when was the last time you worried about smallpox,
vaksinasi dimulai, cacar diberantas,
and vaccinations started, smallpox was eradicated,
cacar, pendidikan yang lebih baik,
smallpox, better education,
dan depresi bukanlah cacar air.
and depression isn't chicken pox.
hal-hal seperti pemberantasan cacar,
things like the eradication of smallpox,
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