ciri-ciri | criterium |
ciri-ciri | |||
ciri-ciri dan karakteristik apa | what trait or characteristic |
ciri-ciri prosedur | characteristic of precedure |
Contohapa ciri-ciri dari kehidupan. what life really is characterized by.
Lalu apa lagi ciri-ciri kehidupan? But what else is life characterized by?
untuk meneliti ciri-ciri umum is to try to come up with some general characteristics
apa saja perilaku lalat yang mungkin memperlihatkan ciri-ciri itu. any fly behaviors that might exhibit some of those properties.
Persenjataan siber punya ciri-ciri seperti ini: Cyber weapons have this peculiar feature:
Yang kita lakukan adalah melihat potret yang memiliki ciri-ciri potret diri, All we did was look for portraits that had the characteristics of a self-portrait,
dengan wajah sang musisi, Anda juga melihat ciri-ciri yang sama. with the face of the musician, you see the very same features again.