Indonesian to English
cor cast, found, pour
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by Xamux Translate
corakdesign, motif, pattern, color, type, feature
corak barunewness
corak-carikin tatters, in shreds.
corak-kk-type section
corat-coretrough, first draft, scrawded
coreklong line, scratch, streak
corengscratch, streak, smear
corenganscratch, smear
coretscratch, streak, smear
coretanscratch, line, stripe, pen drawing, graffiti
corocockroach, creep, bum
corona elektromagnetikelectromagnetic horn
corongfunnel, shaft, microphone, mine shaft
corong asapflue
corong batubaracoal hopper
corong bicarasparking tube

Related Word(s)

cast, castings, pig


dan mesin cor.
and a cold-molding machine.
abadi tumbuhan cormous kadang kadang
perennial cormous herbs sometimes
accord atau perjanjian bunyi yang
accord or agreement of sounds
accordant dengan atau terkait dengan
accordant with or relating to
adalah northeast bancorp yang naik
was northeast bancorp which surged
adalah proyek coral reef rehabilitation
include the coral reef rehabilitation
adalah tim cornish belajar bersama
is tim cornish studied together
adanya pelanggaran maupun kebocoran soal
any violation or leakage
adapun kebocoran pipa primer ini
the pipe was leak
add underscore tambahkan garis bawah
add underscore add underscores
afrika utara oryx leucoryx bersekutu
north africa oryx leucoryx allied
akan corsicans melayani kalimat mereka
corsicans will serve their sentences
akan dapatkan scoresby dan orang
will get scoresby and the
akan membuat perusahaan numatech corp
would make his numatech corp
akan menuju arah pancoran mampang
toward pancoran mampang
akar licorice yang digunakan dalam
root of licorice used in
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