dan di sana | and there |
dan di sana | |||
ContohDan di sana mereka bahkan tidak menggunakan satu setiap orang. And over there they don't even use one each.
dan di sana saya menemukan foto luar biasa, and in it I found this magnificent picture,
dan di sana pembanding, dengan garis biru, and the control over there, the blue one,
Sebuah tempat yang indah dan di sana Very nice, and there
Dan di sana, di kota tersebut, ia dihampiri oleh seekor anjing And there, in the town, he's approached by a dog
dan di sana ada Dawn yang mengorbit Vesta and here we have Dawn orbiting Vesta,
dan di sana mereka tinggal sejak 1600-an -- and there they remained since the 1600s --
dan di sana sini. and be here and there.
dan di sana penuh dengan profesor, mereka bertanya saya ada di bidang apa and there are all the professors around, they ask me what field I'm in
Dan di sana, saya menemukan sesuatu And while I was there, I came across
Dan di sana hanya ada seorang bartender And the only people in there is a bartender
Dan di sana terjadi perdagangan antar selat and there was trading contact across that straight
Dan di sana saya mengalami And over there I experienced
dan di sana ada pesawat berwarna merah, putih, dan biru. and there was this red, white and blue airplane.
dan di sana ada beberapa perempuan cantik, and on those rocks sit some beautiful women
dan di sana saya bertemu dengan Kamila, and there I met Kamila,