Indonesian to English
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dan di sini
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Dan di sini, idenya bukanlah bahwa kenaikan berat badan saya
And here, the idea is not that my weight gain
Dan di sini saya akan zoom-in sedikit. Kita melihatnya di bagian tengah.
And here I'll zoom in a little bit. We're looking right there in the center.
Dan di sini, di Inggris
And here in the United Kingdom
dan di sini mereka benar-benar bergerak. (Tawa)
and they actually move around. (Laughter)
Dan di sini sebenarnya kami menghasilkan sekitar 10 kilowatts --
And here we're actually generating about 10 kilowatts --
Dan di sini kita mulai bicara tentang pecinta ragam budaya.
And that's where we start talking about xenophiles.
lihat ada lubang di sana dan di sini, jika hal itu benar dia akan berdarah."
see there's a hole there and a hole there, if it were real he would be bleeding.
Dan di sini, setiap pekerja media
And here, every media person
disebut Replica Props Forum, dan di sini orang bertukar,
called the Replica Props Forum, and it's people who trade,
Dan di sini intinya.
And here's the point of that.
Dan di sini, semuanya digambarkan di sini.
And here, they're all plotted together.
Dan di sini juga, Anda bisa melihat pengaruhnya di dunia secara luas.
And here too, you can see the implications in the world at large.
Dan di sini saya merubah
And here I've corrupted
Dan di sini kita dapat lihat, anda tahu.
And we will see, you know.
Dan di sini ada sedikit penurunan.
And there is a slight downturn.
Dan di sini di Amerika Serikat
and here in the United States
Dan di sini kami beruntung.
and this is where we get lucky.
Dan di sini, sekitar 10 ribu tahun lalu
And it was here, about 10,000 years ago,
Dan di sini, dia melihat pola gerombolan
And here, here he sees a grouping pattern
dan di sini, Anda melihat sebuah rumah
and in this case, here you see a house,
Dan di sini saya akan mencabut panjang gelombang ganda
And here I'm going to pull out the double wavelengths
Dan di sini kita melihat Galois mulai membentuk
And here we see Galois starting to develop
dan di sini kita punya beberapa kabar baik lagi --
and here we have some good news again --
Dan di sini saya percaya
And this is where I believe
Dan di sini kita punya pendidikan yang lebih baik, dan kita punya layanan kesehatan,
And here we got better education, and we got health service,
dan di sini saya punya besarnya keluarga (jumlah anak).
and here I have the family size.
Dan di sini Brazil masuk ke dalam kotak Dunia Barat.
And here Brazil is in the Western Box.
Dan di sini, setiap bagiannya direncanakan dengan sangat baik.
And here every piece is very well planned.
dan di sini saya, seorang profesional
and here I was, a professional
Dan di sini kami meminta beberapa babi
And here we asked some nearby pigs
Dan di sini di Amerika Serikat,
And back here in the United States,
Dan di sini Anda harus memiringkan iPad Anda
And so over here you need to tilt your iPad,
Dan di sini, kita melihat mobil menerobos lampu merah
And here, we watch a car blow through a red light
Dan di sini kita punya kumpulan datanya.
And here you have the dataset.
Dan di sini, usia, tingkat harapan hidup,
And here, length of life, life expectancy,
Mari kita lihat. Dan di sini adalah influenza.
Here we come. And that was the influenza.
Dan di sini kita punya negara-negara berpendapatan rendah
And here we have the low income countries
Dan di sini kita juga punya negara-negara yang runtuh dan berperang,
And here we have the countries in collapse and war,
Dan di sini saya memutuskan untuk membuat pengumuman.
At this point I decided to make a pause.
Dan di sini, di Zambia, ada kedamaian.
And here, in Zambia, there is peace.
Dan di sini kita sekarang.
And here we are now.
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