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  1. balah
  2. bantah
  3. diskusi
  4. pembahasan
  5. pikiran
  6. sanggah
  7. sawala
  8. takar
debat sia-siawaste breath
debat sia-sia -wasted breath
debat terbukafree debate

Related Word(s)

debate, debates, muslims, submissive, submit


dan kejuaraan debat tingkat dunia,
and world debating championships,
Tapi sudah banyak debat di Tunisia,
But there's been a lot of debate in Tunisia
ini bukan debat tentang apakah Internet
is not this debate over whether the Internet
Dan memang ada banyak pertikaian, debat,
And yes, there was a lot of conflict and debate
Kita memerlukan debat yang lebih luas.
We need a broader debate.
Debat yang melibatkan musisi, ilmuwan, filsuf, penulis,
A debate that involves musicians, scientists, philosophers, writers,
Debat tentang UU Hak Cipta belakangan ini
The recent debate over copyright laws
dapat berpengaruh besar dalam debat ini.
could really bring a great deal to the debate.
Setiap debat disponsori oleh "Clean Coal".
Every single debate has been sponsored by "Clean Coal."
dalam menyelesaikan debat dan konflik emosional yang panas.
at solving hotly-charged emotional conflicts and debates.
kecuali debat tentang sang pencipta yang cerdas.
except for the debate about an intelligent designer.
jadi kita perlu untuk melakukan debat itu dalam waktu dekat,
so we need to have that debate fairly soon.
Faktanya adalah sedang terjadi debat yang sangat menarik
There's in fact been a very interesting debate
Rory Sutherland: Sekarang, seperti sewajarnya, terjadi debat yang ramai.
Rory Sutherland: Now, naturally, a debate raged.
Proposition 8, debat heboh mengenai persamaan pernikahan
Proposition 8, the great marriage equality debate,
mengenai debat iklim.
inside the climate debate,
Nah, ini adalah sebuah debat yang telah membangkitkan
Now this is a debate that has generated
kita harus menyingkirkan debat kusir.
we need to get away from instrumental arguments.
Topik debat ini adalah
The debate is over the proposition:
debat energi dan perubahan iklim selama bertahun - tahun.
of the energy debate and the climate change debate for years.
dimana kedua pihak bisa memenangkan debat ini
where both parties can win this debate,
Angkatlah tangan anda, orang - orang yang berubah pikiran selama debat,
Just put up ... Hands up, people who changed their minds during the debate,
Bandingkan dengan debat tentang rokok --
Compare that to the secondhand smoke debate --
Bandingkan itu dengan debat tentang airbag --
Compare that to the airbag debate --
Debat soal rokok makan waktu 40 tahun
The smoking debate took 40 years,
Dan saya terkejut karena ada debat sengit
and I was stunned that there was a heated debate
debat tentang mamografi akan terus sengit,
the mammography debate will rage on,
mungkin bukan debat terbuka seperti pada obat-obatan --
probably not out in the open as much as within medicine --
Pada debat antara asistensi pengemudi dan sepenuhnya tanpa pengemudi -
On this debate between driver-assisted and fully driverless --
Saya senang ada debat akan hal ini.
I'm glad that debate is happening on this.
tampaknya -- debat tentang mobil golf ini --
it seemed to be -- this debate about the golf cart --
debat demokratis.
of democratic debate.
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