Indonesian to English
dedaunan foliage, leaves.
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began, foliage, leaves, verdure


yang akan tumbuh pada sisa dedaunan, mengembalikan nutrisi
that will grow into those leaves, bring back the nutrients
Anda memerlukan pepohonan dengan zat tertentu, zat kimia yang keluar dari dedaunan pepohonan
you need the trees with [unclear], chemicals that come out of the leaves of the trees
masing masing dengan dedaunan kecil di bagian ujungnya.
each containing clusters of tiny green leaves at the end
hanya ada dedaunan ini yang keluar dari permukaan.
and you just have those leaves peeping up above the surface.
dedaunan, sekam, serbuk gergaji, apapun selain pembalut wanita.
a leaf, husk, [saw] dust, everything except sanitary pads.
untuk pergi mengumpulkan dedaunan
to go out and gather leaf litter
Sepertinya mereka bekerja dengan baik ketika ditutupi dedaunan
We find that they work better when they're submerged and covered with leaves.
Matahari membuat dedaunan gemerlap bagaikan kaca patri,
The sun made the leaves glow like stained glass,
di dedaunan yang muda dan segar
in the young, fresh foliage
Pada suatu ketika, layar Anda dipenuhi dedaunan.
At one point, your screen is filled up with leaves.
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